About Us



Zenun Stones was established July 2022 in Cortez Colorado by Denise and Victor Nunez.

I, Denise, am the creator of all the Jewelry. Zenun Stones holds something special in my heart. I first started making jewelry when I was a little girl. I always collected rocks, Now my two son love rockhounding with me.  It's beautiful to see my kids have interest in what I love. I have such a supportive husband that helps me every step of the way as well! 

1 Corinthians 10:31 says that “whatever we do, do it all to the glory of God.” Each and every moment in our day, even if it seems the most insignificant task, whatever it may be, we do it to glorify our God!

1 Corinthians 10:31 and Luke 19:40 was on my mind when  I was thinking of a business venture I can do that won’t take too much time away from family or God…Something I can do that I love and share the gospel as well! Something that spoke to me is the process it takes to turn a piece of rock into jewelry. 

When rockhounding, you search for rocks, Clean them off, Chipping away pieces until we see the beauty and I got to thinking that's what the Lord does with us! He cleanse off all the dirty, chips off all the ugly, and washes us clean! He transforms us into someone that is unrecognizable! Just with the jewelry, It’s a dirty piece of stone turned into a beautiful piece of jewelry! It goes to show that He is the potter, we are the clay. 

Luke 19:40, The Lord said, 'if they keep quiet, these stones will cry out'. I think of my worship and my praise, all that He has done in my life and in my family's life. He has been so good to me. He's cleansed me, He's chipped away all the ugly. Therefore, my praise needs to be louder! I do not want these stone to cry out for me. I don’t want the rocks to worship in my place. I see my wrist that has a stone bracelet and I get to thinking, they will cry out if I don't, they will praise if I don't!  

May Zenun Stones serve as a reminder that we must worship louder than the noise around us and we must praise Him for all He’s done if not the rocks will cry out.